7 Tips SEO Your Blog Post

Parveen Fatima
8 min readMay 8, 2022

Do you want to know how to SEO-optimize your blog posts? You can increase your search engine results and drive more visitors to your site by optimizing your content for SEO — Learn STEP-BY-STEP

Written By PFdesigner7

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Beginner’s Guide-7 Tips SEO Your Blog Post

When you first start a blog, you should study SEO (Search Engine Optimization). This relates to the various methods for increasing your blog’s traffic.

When you use SEO tactics, your content has a better chance of showing up in Google search results, resulting in increased traffic.

This step-by-step beginner’s guide will teach you how to SEO your blog post.

What is SEO?

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SEO stands for (Search Engine Optimization).

“Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.” Wikipedia

When you Google something, Google’s algorithms search the entire web for the most relevant results and present them to you.

The algorithm looks for specific terms in your search that you typed in. These search terms are called Keywords.

This algorithm has improved over time to catch the most relevant and helpful results and provide a better experience for Google users.

Because Google has millions of sites to search, bloggers and content writers are competing for a spot in the results.

But not just for the sake of showing up in search results! But on the first page of search results…because, let’s face it, Google users usually click the first page’s results!

So, now you know how to increase traffic to your blog by ranking in Google search results for a given search term or keyword.

This may appear to be impossible, but it isn’t. All you need is some effort and the application of SEO strategies and procedures.

What is the Significance of SEO?

SEO generates free traffic! You don’t have to purchase anything to get Google traffic; all you have to do is use SEO tactics and watch your blog traffic grow.

SEO will be your secret weapon if you want to rank in Google and raise your blog traffic with a focused audience, and while it may seem difficult at first, you will get used to it!

In these 7 tips beginner’s guide, I’ll go over the most critical variables that will help you to SEO your blog post step-by-step, and the greatest part is that these ideas are simple enough for even non-techies to implement!

7 Tips to SEO Your Blog Post Step-By-Step

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1- Research Keywords For Your Blog Post

Before you begin writing an SEO optimized blog post, you must first conduct keyword research. This is necessary for Google to find and display your article to readers.

Begin by selecting a topic and conducting research on it to determine the most promising keywords.

The keywords should have a medium to high search volume, but you shouldn’t target keywords with a lot of competition as a beginning because it will be tough to appear in search results.

You should strive for low-competition keywords so that you can simply rank in Google and enhance your blog traffic.

To do so, choose long tail keywords. For example, don’t target “Keto Diet” because there are a lot of articles that utilize this term, and the majority of them are from well-established websites. As a new blogger, you can’t compete with them.

Rather, go for a long tail term like “Keto diet plan for beginners” or “Keto diet recipes for beginners,” and so on.

You’ll have a better chance of ranking in Google and attracting traffic if you do it this way.

Keyword research can be done using a variety of tools, including:

Google Keyword planner


Keywords Everywhere


Keyword Tool

2- Include Keywords in Your Blog Post.

Now that you’ve done your keyword research, it’s time to put them where they belong!

To optimize your post for search engines, include keywords in various locations across it:

-The post title

-Post Introduction

-The Meta Description

-Image Alt text

-& Of course, inside the article

Keywords should be used sparingly and in a non-spammy manner, especially inside the article. You should try to say something, but only if it makes sense.

Keywords in the Title

Because the title of the post is the most important SEO aspect, you must include your keyword in the title.

Instead of using the keyword as the title, you should use terms that characterize the piece and encourage the reader to click on your link.

For instance, we’re aiming for “keto diet plan for beginners.”

“Free Keto Diet Plan For Beginners to Save Time & Money” might be your title.

By informing customers that your keto diet will save them time and money while also being completely free…

You’re incentivizing people to pick you over your competitors.

That’s far preferable to “keto diet plan for beginners, period.”

What distinguishes you from others? What will I get as a result of clicking on your article?

When writing your SEO title, put yourself in the shoes of the reader!

Keywords in the Meta Description

The description of your content is the meta keywords; it is merely a concise guide that tells your reader what’s inside your post

This meta description will be shown to the reader in the search result page, and if it contains the keywords, it will help you rank. It appears as follows:

<img class=”graf-image” data-image-id=”1*8eot2mVW5X4aBQlubeeHdQ.png” data-width=”513" data-height=”98" src=”https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*8eot2mVW5X4aBQlubeeHdQ.png" data-delayed-src=”https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*8eot2mVW5X4aBQlubeeHdQ.png">

If you already have a WordPress blog, I recommend installing and configuring the Yoast SEO plugin so you can easily add this description using the plugin editor. Remember that your meta description should be no more than 60 characters long and include strategically placed keywords.

Keywords in Your Article

While including keywords in your post is important for Google ranking, you must be careful not to appear spammy to avoid being penalized by Google.

Keywords and variants should be used naturally whenever possible, so don’t stuff your article with them.

3- Write A Lengthy Blog Post

According to all studies, the longer the post (1500 words and up), the higher it ranks on Google… Why, though?

Wherever possible, Google is currently upgrading its user experience…

Users are more likely to get their issues and problems answered if you show them lengthier, more informative postings.

We all know, however, that content is king! To win the game, aim for a long, instructive post with high-quality information, rather than just a long post.

Create outstanding in-depth posts that bring value to readers, including useful graphics and resources, and Google will value them higher than short, non-informative posts.

4- Make Your Post Images More Optimized

Did you realize that optimizing your images for SEO can help you receive organic traffic?

Yes! People are also using Google Images and Pinterest to search for images (Pinterest uses SEO too). As a result, you can increase traffic by optimizing your images.

There are various methods for image optimization:

Image Alt Text

The alt text (alternative text) is similar to the meta description, except it is not visible to the readers. It’s a keyword-rich description that you provide to your images to help search engines figure out what they’re looking at.

While you can add alt text to images in WordPress using the built-in media uploader, you shouldn’t pack this description with keywords — 3–4 related keywords should suffice.

Image Name

Make careful to rename an image before submitting it to your website so that it has a clear name that incorporates keywords.

For instance, my camera names the image IMG 0427.jpg, but I rename it before uploading it to something more descriptive like: How to start a blog.jpg.

Image size

Another consideration for SEO is image size, as the larger the image, the longer it will take to load… Late websites have a lower Google rating.

For a better user experience, which is critical in SEO, you should optimize your website performance; your images are a part of this plan.

Aim for a maximum image size of 200 kb. You can reduce your images without sacrificing quality using internet tools like TinyJPG or photo editing applications like Photoshop.

5- Include Keywords in the Primary Headings

Every blog post includes different titles like H1, H2, H3, and so on. Keywords should be included in these headings, especially in H1 and H2 headings.

The H1 heading (Blog Post Title Heading) is the main heading that tells search engines what your content is about. In H1, try to include 2–3 keywords.

After the blog post title, H2 is used for the main sections of the content, while H3 is used for subsections. You can also include keywords in them.

6- Use a Clear Post Keywords in the Permalink Structure URL

The URL structure that visitors and search engines view for any post or material on your site is known as permalinks.

Your domain name and the slug are the two parts of a permalink (the piece of URL that comes after the domain name).

With the post title or major keywords, the permalink structure, or URL, should be obvious.

7- Internal Linking

Internal links are an important part of creating an SEO-friendly blog post. It adds depth to the post and aids search engines in indexing your entire website’s content.

Internal links direct search engines to additional material on your website and help you create links with relevant content.

Internal links for previously published pieces can be added naturally, and related keywords can be used as anchor text or clickable text.

Internal links that are connected to the post topic can also be included as suggested posts in the blog post. Add the words “Read More” or “Suggested Posts” to attract readers’ attention.

Internal links are particularly helpful for lowering bounce rates since they allow readers to click and read more content, allowing them to spend more time on your blog. Because Google knows that your website is helpful and informative, lowering the bounce rate allows your website to rank higher on Google.

I hope you found these 7 tips to SEO your blog post step-by-step helpful in ranking in Google and increasing organic traffic to your blog. If you haven’t started your blog post, first read 6 tips to write your first blog post step-by-step

However, you should keep in mind that ranking in Google takes time after optimizing your blog post. These 7 tips will not produce immediate results. Within 3–6 months, you will see benefits.

With patience and devotion, you may continue to publish fresh, valuable content and implement SEO tactics… And believe me when I say it will pay off!

If you found this helpful, be sure to follow us on Pinterest, Instagram, & Facebook and check out our recommended tools to find the right tools to help you power up your blogging journey! and don’t forget to give your sweet comment in the comment box!

Have fun blogging!

